
Chapter 3: A Love Story Iced in Tradition

A Frostheart's Sun

The grand ballroom of the Snowfall Palace buzzed with anticipation. It wasn't every day that the Crown Prince announced his engagement, especially not to a commoner. But then again, Leopold Frostheart, heir to the throne of Snowfall, was no ordinary prince.

He moved through the throng of nobles and dignitaries with an easy grace that belied his regal bearing. His laughter, echoing through the hall, was like the chiming of ice crystals, light and infectious. Where Caspian, with his silver hair and sapphire eyes, resembled a snowdrift, beautiful but imposing, Leopold was like the sun breaking through a winter sky – warm, radiant, and impossible to ignore.

He stopped by a group of visiting dignitaries from the Whispering Waves, his smile genuine as he exchanged pleasantries. His charm, it seemed, knew no borders. Even the stern-faced ambassador from the Dancing Shadows, a realm where smiles were as rare as sunshine, cracked a hint of a grin at Leopold's words.

"The bakery?" Leopold chuckled, his blue eyes twinkling. "Yes, Sabine's family makes the most incredible pastries. You have to try their donuts before you leave. They're legendary!"

The dignitaries roared with laughter. Leopold had a knack for putting anyone at ease, for finding common ground even in the most formal of settings. He possessed a warmth that Caspian, despite his good intentions, sometimes struggled to convey.

Watching from a discreet distance, Caspian felt a familiar pang of admiration and a touch of envy. Leopold was everything he wasn't – approachable, expressive, a natural charmer. He envied his brother's ease, the way he navigated the world with an open heart

"Lost in thought, dear brother?"

Caspian turned to see Elura, their younger sister, her silver braid swinging as she joined him. Her blue eyes, so like their brothers', sparkled with mischief.

"Just admiring the future king at work," Caspian replied dryly, picking up a goblet of chilled ice wine from a passing tray.

Elura followed his gaze. "He does wear his heart on his sleeve, doesn't he?" she mused, her voice softening. "But you know, Caspian," she added, turning back to him with a knowing look, "sometimes a bit of warmth can melt even the iciest exteriors."


The aroma of sugar and spice, usually alien to the pristine halls of the Snowfall Palace, had become a delightful constant in the past few months. All thanks to Sabine, a whirlwind of energy with a laugh as bright as the summer sun, and her legendary, "mean" donuts. Leopold, utterly smitten, had shared his delight with his family and, subsequently, the entire kingdom. Now, even the most stoic palace guard couldn't resist the allure of those pastries.

Caspian, however, remained unconvinced. He'd sampled the famed donuts, expecting a culinary revelation. Instead, he found them... ordinary. Pleasant, certainly, but not the life-altering experience Leopold painted them to be. Perhaps it was a matter of taste, he mused, or maybe, just maybe, love had a way of making even the simplest things extraordinary.

Growing up, Caspian had always seen Sabine as an integral part of their lively trio. She was the baker's daughter, with a spirit as fiery as the ovens she managed, always ready with a playful jab or a comforting word. He'd watched them grow from rambunctious children, building snow forts and engaging in snowball fights, to the couple now on the brink of a future together. He might not understand Leopold's infatuation with her donuts, but he understood the depth of his brother's love for the woman who made them.

"Just admit it, Caspian," Elura teased, nudging him with her elbow. "You're secretly jealous that Leopold found someone who can bake him into marital bliss." She grabbed a donut from a passing tray, taking a bite with a dramatic sigh. "These are truly magical."

Caspian gave a wry smile. "I'm happy for them, truly. Sabine will be... a most spirited addition to the family." He paused, a mischievous glint entering his eyes. "Although, I do worry about the future of royal banquets. Imagine, a table groaning under the weight of... donuts."

Elura snorted, her laughter echoing around them. "Oh, the horror! I suppose we'll have to invest in sturdier tables."


As the merriment swirled around him, Caspian found himself contemplating the upcoming change. Leopold's happiness was undeniable, and Sabine, despite her penchant for unconventional pastries, was a good-hearted woman. He genuinely wished them a lifetime of shared joy, even if he couldn't quite fathom the source of their sugary bliss.

Still, a part of him, the part that had retreated behind walls of ice and guarded smiles, couldn't help but wonder... would he ever experience a love so all-consuming that even the most ordinary things, like a simple donut, could become extraordinary? And if such a love were to appear, what lengths would he go to test its authenticity, its resilience against the chilling winds of doubt that howled within him?

The thought, like a snowflake landing on a frozen lake, stirred a subtle tremor within him, a faint ripple beneath the surface of his carefully crafted composure. It seemed even the coldest of hearts could dream of a warmth that melted more than just the frost.