
Chapter 10: The Night the Sky Went Buzzing

The Daily Life of Sacha Jacques

I nodded, summoning every ounce of composure I had left, and pushed my album toward the members for their signatures.

The leader smiled warmly, taking the album with both hands. "Thanks for being such a dedicated fan. It means the world to us!" His enthusiasm was infectious, and I couldn't help but grin back, though I was still navigating the intricate maze of my own self-consciousness.

As they scribbled their names, I caught sight of one of the members stepping closer to me, excitement dancing in his eyes. "Can we take a selfie together?" he asked, and before I could respond, he was already pulling me in for a quick photo.

The camera clicked, and in that moment, I felt a whirlwind of joy mixed with a hint of disbelief. I was standing with 4EVER, and I was actually in the photo! I could hear the sound of camera clicks around me, and I knew the fans behind me were capturing this moment too, fascinated by the unexpected presence of a male fan looking so… well, fabulous!

"Okay, on three!" the member said, and I immediately beamed at the camera, my heart soaring. I could see the flashes of other fans’ cameras out of the corner of my eye, and the sound of their laughter and excited whispers filled the air. "One, two, three!"

The moment the photo was taken, the buzz of excitement seemed to magnify. The girls behind me were cheering, their voices blending into a chorus of excitement. "He’s so pretty!" one of them exclaimed. Another chimed in, "I want to be him!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Here I was, just a guy who loved K-Pop, but somehow, I had become a part of this delightful frenzy. It felt surreal to be at the center of so much joy and admiration.

"Thanks! You made my day!" I said, taking back my signed album, my voice filled with genuine appreciation. As I turned to leave, I could see the members giving me thumbs up, their smiles wide. It was a moment I would cherish forever, captured in both the album cover and the fleeting exhilaration of the experience.

As I stepped away from the crowd, I felt a little dizzy from the whirlwind of it all. I could still hear the excited chatter and laughter behind me, but my thoughts were already racing ahead to tell Stefan and my parents—all the hilarities that had just unfolded. I imagined Stefan’s eyes widening comically as I recounted the tale, his typical light banter sure to follow. He would definitely have a field day with this.

I walked briskly toward an area set aside for fans to catch their breath after the meet and greet, a little corner with cozy chairs where the excitement could settle. I plopped down in one, trying to catch my breath and process what had just happened. A little part of me was still tingling from the attention, while another part was in disbelief about how quickly the event had escalated. I could feel my heart still racing, but in a good way.

"Okay, Sacha," I whispered to myself, "you survived the K-Pop frenzy. Now it’s time to go home and tell the family all about it!"

As I stood, I couldn’t help but glance back one last time at the members, still surrounded by their fans, their smiles infectious. I could feel the warmth of the experience enveloping me like a cozy blanket, and I knew I wouldn’t forget this day anytime soon.

On my way back to the car, I could already hear Stefan’s voice in my head, teasing me about being the center of attention. But the truth was, I loved that I could share something so joyful and wonderfully ridiculous with him and our family—the little quirks and laughter that made our life together so vibrant.

With my heart still fluttering from the exhilarating encounter at the fan meet, I slid into the driver’s seat of my black Porsche Taycan, the smooth leather hugging me like a familiar embrace. As I revved the engine, I felt a rush of adrenaline mixed with happiness. On a whim, I decided pizza would be the perfect late-night snack, a comforting treat to share when I got home. It was like a celebratory feast for a day well spent.

I quickly typed a text to Stefan, my fingers dancing over the screen. "On my way home! Got pizza for us! 🍕" Sending it off, I couldn't help but grin at the thought of us indulging in the cheesy goodness while recounting the day's adventures.

As I merged into the traffic, my phone buzzed with a reply. It was Stefan. His messages brought an instant smile to my face. "So, did you meet your future husband? 🤔" followed quickly by another, "Come home soon. Waiting for that pizza before I brush my teeth. 🍕"

I chuckled, imagining his boyish grin as he typed those words. It was so typical of him to make a joke out of anything, especially when it came to me and my K-Pop crushes. "Future husband," I mused out loud, shaking my head at the ridiculousness of it all. "If only I could choose a future husband so easily! Maybe I’d pick that one with the great hair…" I imagined Stefan rolling his eyes at my playful daydreaming.

The drive home felt like a breeze, the city lights illuminating the streets as I weaved through traffic, my excitement mounting with every passing second. The vibrant energy from the day began to fade, replaced by the soothing rhythm of the tires on the asphalt. My mind replayed the highlights of the meet and greet, the laughter, the selfies, and the friendly banter. But then, something shifted.

The road ahead grew eerily quiet, as if the world had hit a pause button. I glanced around, confused. Where had all the cars gone? Normally, this stretch of the street was busy with evening activity. It felt like I had entered a scene straight out of a bizarre sci-fi movie. My heart began to thump in my chest as I continued driving, each passing second heightening my sense of unease.

Then, as if on cue, I heard it—a faint buzzing sound, a frequency that vibrated through the air, sending me chills. My brain raced, replaying countless late-night TV shows where someone inevitably encountered a UFO. "Oh no," I muttered to myself, a wave of disbelief washing over me. "Don’t tell me…"

I slammed my foot on the brake, coming to a sudden stop. The headlights of my Porsche illuminated the road ahead, but the glow was swallowed up by an otherworldly light descending from above. In that moment, it felt like time itself had slowed down.

There it was—a craft, a typical flying saucer, hovering above me in the night sky. My mouth dropped open as the light from the craft focused on my car, illuminating everything around me. I was like a deer caught in headlights, frozen in place, heart racing like it was trying to escape my chest.

"What the heck?" I thought, my mind going into overdrive. It can’t be! Am I dreaming? Am I drunk? I swear I only drank iced tea for dinner! Did someone spike my drink? Why am I suddenly seeing a UFO?! It must be Stefan’s fault for talking nonstop about aliens and UFOs earlier at home!

The buzzing intensified, resonating through my bones, and I felt like I was teetering on the edge of sanity. Was this really happening? My heart raced as thoughts ran a marathon in my head. I glanced around, half-expecting a group of aliens to pop out and start dancing to a K-Pop song or something equally absurd.

As the craft hung silently in the air, I tried to make sense of it all—was this some elaborate prank orchestrated by my family? Maybe Stefan had rigged the whole thing to give me a good scare. I could almost hear his obnoxious laughter echoing in my ears, "Gotcha, Sacha!"

But as I stared up at the hovering UFO, the light illuminating my car like a spotlight, I realized this wasn’t some prank—it felt far too real. The craft appeared metallic and sleek, glimmering in the night sky, and a wave of curiosity washed over me despite my initial panic.

What would I even say if aliens did come down? "Hey, welcome to Earth! Love the aesthetic of your spaceship! Can I take a selfie?" I felt a chuckle bubble up at the thought, but it quickly faded as I looked back at the craft, its presence looming over me like a scene from a wild dream.

"Okay, Sacha," I whispered to myself, trying to keep my composure. "Just breathe. You’ve faced worse things—like a full kitchen during breakfast rush hour."

But deep down, I knew this was different. I was standing at the precipice of something extraordinary, something that could change everything. As I sat there, weighing my options, I couldn’t help but wonder what awaited me. Would they want to abduct me for experiments or just ask if I had any pizza to share?

With my heart pounding and my mind a whirlwind of thoughts, I braced myself for whatever was about to happen next, the light from the craft flickering as if it were alive, waiting for me to make the first move.

This was either the craziest moment of my life or the beginning of an adventure I never could have imagined. Whatever it was, I knew one thing for sure—I couldn’t wait to tell Stefan all about it when I got home.

And just like that, the night took a turn I’d never expected, leaving me on the edge of curiosity, thrill, and just a hint of fear. What lay ahead would be a journey into the unknown, a chapter that promised to be as wild as a K-Pop concert and as bizarre as a family dinner filled with laughter and unexpected twists.

And with that thought, I held my breath, ready for whatever awaited me in the light of the UFO.