
Chapter 3: Jardins de la Mer - A Family Reunion

The Daily Life of Sacha Jacques

The air in the house buzzed with anticipation as Friday evening settled in. It had been a month since Stefan’s return from his brief stint as a monk in Tibet, and after a whirlwind of emotions stirred in that time, the Jacques family was finally gearing up for a celebratory weekend at Jardins de la Mer, our family's beach resort.

A hidden gem on Brittany's Emerald Coast. It's a sprawling paradise where lush gardens meet pristine sands and turquoise waters. Dad poured his heart and soul into building it, and it finally opened to the public a year after Stefan left for Tibet.

I reclined on the plush sofa, a black face mask covering my skin while I indulged in my latest K-drama obsession. The sound of waves and dramatic music surrounded me, pulling me into the fictional world where love triangles and heartfelt confessions played out against picturesque backdrops. I relished this peaceful moment, my heart light and happy, completely lost in the story unfolding on screen. The hustle of the week melted away, leaving just me and my guilty pleasure.

Suddenly, I heard Stefan's footsteps approaching, and without even looking, I knew he was about to pull his usual stunt. Sure enough, he walked into the living room with an exaggerated gasp, feigning shock at the sight of me in a black facemask. His eyes were exaggeratedly widened in mock horror.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, the corners of my mouth twitching up into a smile despite myself. "That joke has long since passed, Stefan," I replied, trying to keep my tone serious but failing miserably. He had been doing this ever since he returned, and while I pretended to be annoyed, I secretly loved the playful banter we shared.

"It's still funny!" he insisted, sauntering over with his hands in his pockets, walking barefoot. You see, Stefan had outgrown his fluffy, well-worn slippers. Too lazy to buy new ones or used to walking barefoot in the monastery back in Tibet, or probably both.

Reminder to myself: Buy him new ones.

I sighed as I turned my attention back to the K-drama, captivated by the plot twist unfolding on screen. "Are you going to the kitchen?" I asked absently.

Stefan simply hummed in response as he passed by, his usual nonchalant demeanor shining through. "Stefan, get my canned coffee too," I added, my eyes still glued to the television. I could practically hear his eyes roll, but I knew he wouldn’t resist.

A minute later, he strolled back into the living room, a tetra pack of strawberry milk in hand. He casually took a sip, looking utterly pleased with himself, while the Starbucks canned coffee dangled precariously in his other hand. I shook my head, a smile creeping onto my lips. "You know that’s not going to give you the jolt you need for tomorrow, right?"

"Don’t judge," he shot back lazily, flopping down into the seat beside me and casually handing me the coffee can. It was moments like this that made me appreciate having him around; the cozy familiarity of sharing space, the easy banter, and the little things that made our bond feel effortless.

With my black face mask still on, I popped open the can of coffee and took a sip. I glanced over at Stefan, who had settled into the couch, his eyes glued to the screen, clearly invested in whatever was happening on my show. Life felt good.

The house was alive with the distant sounds of my parents preparing dinner in the kitchen, their laughter echoing through the air. It was comforting, knowing that we were all under one roof again. Being the older brother had its perks, and I relished this role—my personal assistant of sorts.

"See? Aren’t you glad you came home?" I teased, nudging him with my elbow. I loved being able to order him around; it made me feel like I was still taking care of him in some way, even if he was technically an adult now. He chuckled, the sound bright and warm, and for a moment, everything felt perfect in our little bubble of normalcy.


As dawn broke, the soft light of the morning filtered through the curtains, awakening the house with gentle whispers. I stretched out lazily in bed, savoring the last moments of warmth beneath the covers, but the thrill of our trip to Jardins de la Mer waited just outside the door. Today was the day we'd hit the road, and I could hardly contain my excitement.

The familiar sounds of my parents bustling around in the kitchen wafted up to the second floor. I could hear my mom humming a soft tune while she prepared breakfast. With a yawn, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and slipped into my comfy clothes, the anticipation bubbling inside me.

"Stefan!" I called out, knocking on his door as I made my way to the staircase. "We need to get going soon if we want to beat the traffic!"

"Yeah, yeah, I’m up!" I heard him reply, and the faint sound of his scooter's keys jingling indicated he was ready to roll. He loved that little Yamaha Mio my parents gifted him on his high school graduation when he was 17, but today, we were taking the Toyota Alphard for our family trip. More space meant more snacks, after all.

After a quick breakfast—my mom's delightful pancakes always hit the spot—we gathered our things and headed out. The car was packed with essentials: beach towels, sunscreen, and a cooler filled with goodies for the ride. Dad was at the wheel, his usual cheerful demeanor shining as he adjusted the rearview mirror and made sure everything was in order.

Stefan and I settled into the backseat, excitement radiating from both of us. The plush leather seats hugged us comfortably, and I welcomed the quiet hum of the engine as we hit the road. The scenery outside began to change, the city gradually giving way to greenery and open skies, each mile bringing us closer to the beach paradise.

As we drove through the winding roads toward Jardins de la Mer, I glanced at my parents in the front, feeling grateful for this family time. The chatter between them filled the car with warmth, and I found myself reflecting on how lucky I was to have a little brother like Stefan. Sure, he could be a handful at times, but he brought a lightness to my life that I cherished deeply.


We cruised along the winding roads toward Jardins de la Mer, a sense of nostalgia washed over me. This was our first family trip together since Stefan had returned, and it felt like a significant milestone. For the past years, it had often been just the three of us: my parents and me. I couldn't help but reminisce about those times when the atmosphere sometimes felt heavy, filled with the weight of our loss. It was a stark reminder of what had been taken from us, but now, with Stefan back, the car felt alive with laughter and warmth, filling the air with a sense of completeness that I had desperately missed.

I glanced over at Stefan, who had closed his eyes, earbuds securely in place, seemingly lost in his music. I could almost picture the soundtrack playing in his head—probably something upbeat and carefree, which suited his personality perfectly. He had a way of bringing joy wherever he went, and even just seeing him there, enjoying the moment, filled me with an overwhelming sense of happiness. It was nice to have him back, to share this experience together, and to feel like a family again.

The scenery outside the car window transformed from the bustling city to lush greenery, and I couldn’t help but soak it all in. It reminded me of our past trips before everything changed, and how I had longed for those carefree days. But this felt different—better. Today was a new beginning, a chance for us to create new memories, and I wasn’t going to let the past haunt me anymore.

"Hey, what’s on your playlist?" I asked, leaning closer to him, hoping to snag a peek at his screen. He opened one eye, smirking at me before he pulled one earbud out and leaned slightly closer.

"Just the latest bangers, you know," he replied, a playful glint in his hazel eyes. "You wouldn’t get it, old man." I feigned an exaggerated gasp, clutching my chest in mock offense. The banter reminded me of how close we had grown over the years, despite the challenges we faced.

From the front seat, I heard my mom chuckle softly, a knowing smile on her face. "You two are just like a couple of kids," she said, glancing back at us. "I swear, sometimes I feel like I’m driving a school bus."

"Better than a taxi," Dad chimed in, his voice warm.

As we continued down the road, I mused to myself how different it all felt now. I had missed this feeling of completeness, this delightful chaos of a family road trip. I cherished every moment, every laugh, every teasing remark between my parents and my little brother. The memories of the past no longer felt heavy but rather served as a backdrop to the joy we were creating right now. We were back together, and for that, I felt truly thankful.


The afternoon sun shone warmly over Jardins de la Mer, setting the scene for a fun and joyful day. I found myself outside the cabana, the beach breeze tousling my stylish short blonde hair as I attempted to master a new TikTok dance challenge. The vibrant colors of the cabana and the soft sound of waves crashing nearby fueled my enthusiasm. I was determined to nail this routine, even if my attempts were more comically confident than choreographed.

I started with an exaggerated hip sway, throwing my arms up in a dramatic flourish as I moved to the catchy K-pop beat blaring from my phone. My blue aquamarine eyes sparkled with determination as I focused on each step, even if they sometimes turned into a wild flail. I spun around, mimicking the smooth moves of my favorite idols, my heart racing with excitement.

"Watch me, world!" I declared to no one in particular, my pride propelling me as I effortlessly transitioned into a dramatic pose, fingers splayed and chin lifted high. I knew I was a sight to behold, and I felt like I owned the stage—even if it was just a sandy patch outside our cabana.

Meanwhile, I could feel Stefan’s eyes on me, and as I caught a glimpse of him from the corner of my eye, I couldn’t help but smile. He was nestled inside the cabana, probably scrolling through social media with that lazy grin of his. I waved dramatically, giving him my best "look at me" expression, all while continuing my dance routine.

I added in a few playful spins, my body twisting and twirling under the sun. I heard Stefan's laughter echoing from inside the cabana, but I brushed it off, my confidence unwavering. I was in my element, fully immersed in my impromptu performance. His amusement only fueled my determination; if he thought this was funny, I had to step it up a notch.

With each movement, I exaggerated my expressions, my face lighting up with joy. I threw in some iconic finger-guns, a playful wink, and even a hair flip that I hoped was as dramatic as it felt. I could picture the TikTok audience cheering me on, even as I stumbled through the routine, half of my moves turning into comical missteps. It was all part of the show, right?

I continued to dance, feeling the exhilaration of being alive in that moment, the sun shining down and the sound of laughter all around us.

As I twisted into the final pose—arms outstretched and a huge grin plastered across my face—I felt a rush of contentment. This was what it was all about: carefree days with family, laughter, and the thrill of just being me. Even if my dancing skills needed a little work, I was loving every second of it.

After our silly dance, the afternoon sun started to set, coloring the sky with orange and pink hues. It was the perfect time to give Stefan a proper tour of Jardins de la Mer—a place that had become our family’s little. I felt a swell of excitement as I channeled my inner tour guide, ready to showcase every corner of this beautiful resort.

"Alright, are you ready for the grand tour?" I proclaimed, puffing my chest out in mock seriousness. Stefan chuckled, rolling his eyes but clearly entertained. There was something about sharing this experience with him that made it even more special. I wanted him to feel the magic that this place held for our family.

"First stop," I declared, leading him toward the lush gardens that surrounded the property, bursting with vibrant flowers and greenery. "Welcome to the heart of Jardins de la Mer! This is where you can find tranquility and inspiration." I gestured dramatically, arms sweeping wide as if I were unveiling a masterpiece, the blooms swaying gently in the breeze.

"Wow, it’s really beautiful," Stefan admitted, his tone genuine. I could see the wonder in his hazel eyes as he took in the sight. I couldn’t help but beam with pride; this place was a labor of love for our family.

As we strolled through the winding pathways, I pointed out various elements: "Over there is the spa, where you can unwind with massages and treatments. And just beyond that is the yoga pavilion, perfect for morning sessions while listening to the waves." I could practically see his mind racing, imagining future adventures within these walls.

Continuing our tour, I led him toward the cabanas, where the beach loungers nestled by the edge of the sand awaited sunbathers. I struck a pose, mimicking my K-drama stars. "And here is where we can soak up the sun and catch some rays! This also doubles as the perfect spot for our TikTok dances!" I winked at him, and he laughed, shaking his head, clearly enjoying my antics.

As we made our way toward the beach, the sound of waves crashing filled the air, and I could feel the salty breeze on my skin. "This," I gestured broadly, "is our private slice of paradise! The sand is like powdered sugar, and the water is as clear as a swimming pool." I bent down to scoop up a handful of sand, letting it slip through my fingers.

Stefan picked up a shell from the ground, inspecting it with interest. "It’s amazing, Sacha. I can’t believe you’ve been here without me." His voice was a mixture of awe and nostalgia, and it hit me deep. I had missed sharing these experiences with him, our family had been incomplete without him, and I was determined to make our time here unforgettable.

As we reached the beachfront, I leaned against a palm tree dramatically, striking a pose. "And this is where the magic happens! Sunset swims, bonfires, and endless laughter await us! Just wait until you see it at sunset; it’s mesmerizing." I could feel my heart swell with excitement as I envisioned all the memories we would create here together.

Stefan shrugged, a playful smirk creeping onto his face. "You know, I’m still not sure if you’d make a good tour guide or a K-drama star."

I laughed, feeling the warmth of his teasing. "Why not both? I’ll be the star of my own reality show!"

As I continued to guide him through our little paradise, I couldn’t shake the feeling of fullness within me. Having Stefan back and sharing this experience made everything feel right again.


As the sun set in the lush gardens of Jardins de la Mer, the air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of grilled seafood and freshly baked bread. The staff had set up a charming outdoor dining area, complete with twinkling fairy lights strung between the palm trees, creating a magical ambiance for our family dinner.

I smoothed down my crisp linen shirt, my stomach grumbling in anticipation. There was something special about dining al fresco, especially in a place as beautiful as Jardins de la Mer. My parents, radiating happiness, were already seated at the table, chatting animatedly with Stefan. He was recounting some funny anecdote from his time in Tibet.

I joined them, sliding into the chair next to my mom. She smiled warmly, reaching out to pat my hand. "There's my handsome boy," she said, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Are you hungry? They've outdone themselves tonight."

I grinned back, my heart feeling full. The table was laden with an array of mouthwatering dishes: platters piled high with grilled prawns and scallops, colorful salads bursting with fresh vegetables, and a basket of crusty bread that practically begged to be devoured. My mouth watered just looking at it all.

As we dug into the delicious spread, laughter and conversation flowed easily. Dad regaled us with stories about his latest business ventures, while Mom shared some juicy gossip about her weekly social gatherings. Stefan, ever the playful one, teased me mercilessly about my TikTok dance attempts earlier that day. I feigned annoyance, but inside, I was reveling in the easy camaraderie.

As the evening progressed, a comfortable silence settled over us as we savored the last bites of our meal. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore provided a soothing background track to our conversation. I leaned back in my chair, a contented sigh escaping my lips. The air was warm, the food was delicious, and I was surrounded by the people I loved most in the world.

"This is perfect," I murmured, more to myself than anyone else.

My dad, ever perceptive, heard me. He smiled, his gaze sweeping over all of us. "It is, isn't it?" he said, his voice filled with warmth. "It's good to be home."

And in that moment, I couldn't have agreed more. Jardins de la Mer wasn't just a beautiful resort; it was a sanctuary, a place where we could reconnect as a family and create memories that would last a lifetime. And with Stefan back home, it finally felt complete.