
Chapter 6: A Splash of Romance, Part 2

The Daily Life of Sacha Jacques

As they approached, the lead rider gave a friendly wave. "Are you alright, Nicola?" he called out, concern etched across his face. The woman, now identified as Nicola, elegantly smiled back at him, flipping her hair dramatically as she brushed off the incident like it was nothing.

"Just a little mishap! I’m fine!" she replied, her confidence unwavering, as she gestured for them to come closer. The other two jetski riders smiled as they maneuvered beside her.

"Let’s get you back to shore," one of them said, extending a hand toward me as I paddled in the water. I grabbed onto the offered hand, and before I knew it, I was being hoisted up onto the jetski after a bit of a struggle. "Hold on tight!" the rider said, and I wrapped my arms around his waist as he revved the engine.

As we sped off toward the beach, I glanced back at Nicola, who was now seated comfortably and expertly adjusting her dress as if it were a minor detail. It was hard to believe she had just been panicking moments ago. This whole experience was like a whirlwind of absurdity, and I couldn't help but chuckle at the sheer theatricality of it all.

The beach came into view, the golden sand glimmering under the afternoon sun. My heart soared with a mix of exhilaration and relief. It was funny how quickly things could escalate; one moment I was trying to enjoy a family outing, and the next, I was diving into the ocean to save a woman who turned out to be more dramatic than I initially thought.

We docked, and as I hopped off the jetski, I turned to thank the riders. They waved me off, clearly used to shuttling people in and out of adventure.

The warm sand squished between my toes, a comforting sensation after the shock of the ocean’s embrace. My heart was still racing, partially from the adrenaline of the rescue and partially from the absurdity of it all. Just as I took a moment to catch my breath and shake off the saltwater, I noticed a figure rushing over from the nearby beach club.

It was Thierry! The handsome young man we had met earlier, his familiar features etched with concern as he approached. His eyes darted from Nicola to me, and his expression shifted rapidly from worry to relief. "Nicola! Are you okay?" he called out, his voice cutting through the excitement around us.

"Yeah, just a little swim!" she laughed, adjusting her hair as if it were the most normal thing in the world. But it was clear that she appreciated the attention, her smile growing wider at the sight of him rushing to her side.

With a quick glance, I noticed Thierry was not alone; a few other beachgoers had gathered around, their curiosity piqued by the spectacle. He turned his focus back to me, his hazel eyes full of gratitude. "Thank you for helping her. I saw everything from the beach, and… well, you really saved her!"

I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks. "It was nothing, really," I replied, trying to downplay my heroic moment. In truth, I had acted on impulse, and it was surreal to be acknowledged for it. "I just swam over, and she managed to get back on her jetski. Looks like she’s okay now."

Thierry nodded, visibly relieved. "This is my sister, Nicola. She’s always been a bit dramatic." His playful smile hinted at a close bond, and it made me smile as well, thinking of how my own brother, Stefan, could be just as impulsive in his own way.

Thierry turned to Nicola, who was now standing up straight, adjusting her dress and tossing her wet hair back with a flourish. "You could have at least warned me you were going to flip the jetski!" he teased, earning a playful shove from his sister, who reveled in the moment.

"Where’s the fun in that?" Nicola replied, and their sibling banter was infectious.

I couldn’t help but chuckle along. Their dynamic reminded me of the easy camaraderie Stefan and I shared, with all our teasing and playful arguments over the most trivial matters. Maybe it was a Jacques thing—this ability to find humor in chaos.

As the crowd began to disperse, I caught sight of my family standing a few feet away. Mom was now fussing over her sunhat, while Dad looked a bit more relaxed, his gaze flicking between Thierry and me. Stefan, however, was still smirking, clearly enjoying the spectacle of his older brother’s "daring rescue."

As I stood there, still dripping with seawater and trying to process the whirlwind of events, I heard Stefan’s voice rise above the chatter. "Bro, you’re so cool~!" he cooed, his hand dramatically cupped over his mouth like he was announcing a grand revelation to the world. The exaggerated tone made me chuckle, a warm bubble of gratitude blooming in my chest at his teasing.

My family was finally making their way over, and I turned to see both Mom and Dad exchanging glances, a mix of pride and concern plastered on their faces. Mom’s sunhat fluttered slightly in the ocean breeze as she approached, her eyes widening in surprise at the scene before her. Dad, with his usual calm demeanor, followed closely behind, taking stock of everything happening around us.

Thierry, still standing next to his sister, caught sight of Stefan. His eyes lit up with recognition, a smile breaking across his face. "Wait a minute, You’re the one I mistook for a resort staff earlier this morning!" he exclaimed, pointing at Stefan with an animated gesture. "And you gave me that—what did you call it?—luxurious deep tissue massage?"

Stefan puffed out his chest, a playful smirk crossing his lips as he threw an arm around my shoulders. "That’s right. Just a humble massage therapist at your service!" he quipped, his voice dripping with mock seriousness.

Mom finally reached us, her hands on her hips as she looked between me, Stefan, and the two newcomers. "Sacha, darling, are you alright? You took quite the leap out there!" Her voice was tinged with a motherly mixture of worry and pride, and I couldn’t help but smile at her concern.

"I’m fine, Mom," I assured her, brushing off the droplets of water that clung to me. "Just doing what any good brother would do, right?"

Dad stepped forward, his expression proud yet slightly amused. "Well, you certainly made quite the splash, Sacha. Just try to keep your stunts from becoming too dramatic next time, alright?"

A playful laugh escaped from Thierry, who was clearly enjoying the entire scene. "You’re telling him to tone it down? This guy just saved my sister by jumping off a yacht in style!"

"Exactly!" Stefan chimed in, barely able to contain his laughter. "Sacha does everything with dramatic flair!"

As the laughter and conversation flowed, I felt a sense of camaraderie enveloping us. It was one of those moments, where the chaos of the day turned into something lighthearted and memorable.

"Let’s get you dried off, Sacha," Mom suggested, a hint of authority in her tone as she pointed toward the beach club. "You can’t just stand there looking like a drowned rat!"

"Thanks, Mom," I chuckled, knowing full well that her intentions were laced with love. I started to head toward the beach club when I glanced back at Thierry and Nicola, who were still watching us with friendly smiles.


As the sun sets over the Jardin de la Mer resort, my family and our newfound acquaintances gathered for a delightful outdoor dinner. Our table, set up on the terrace overlooking the shimmering water, exuded an ambiance of elegance.

Thierry and Nicola, dressed to the nines, added a touch of glamour to our family gathering. Thierry, with his exquisite makeup and perfectly styled hair, resembled a K-Pop idol, his alluring voice capturing everyone’s attention. Nicola, equally stunning, carried herself with an air of confidence, her presence adding a touch of sophistication to the evening.

Dad, ever the gracious host, raised his glass in a toast. "To our new friends, Thierry and Nicola. Thank you for your help earlier. We’re truly grateful," he said, his warm smile genuine and heartfelt. Thierry and Nicola exchanged quick glances, their expressions mirroring their appreciation.

As the conversation flowed, I couldn’t help but admire Thierry. He had a captivating way of engaging with everyone, and his stories of his travels and escapades kept us all enthralled. Nicola, too, shared her experiences, proving to be a delightful and engaging companion.

Amidst the laughter and chatter, I found myself drawn to Thierry’s quiet moments. His eyes, framed by carefully applied eyeliner, held a depth that hinted at a thoughtful and sensitive soul beneath his charming exterior. In between conversations, I noticed him discreetly checking on Nicola, his actions revealing a gentle and protective nature.

As the night wore on, I couldn’t help but notice subtle glances being exchanged across the table. Nicola’s gaze, despite her attempts to maintain a cool facade, would linger on me from time to time, a hint of intrigue dancing in her eyes. And Thierry, though engaging in lively conversations with my family, couldn't seem to keep his attention fully away from Stefan. His eyes, when he thought no one was looking, would follow Stefan’s every move, a subtle intensity that spoke volumes.

It's amusing how Stefan seems oblivious to Thierry's stolen glances. Or perhaps he's simply pretending to be. When Stefan caught Thierry looking at him, Thierry's reaction was like a deer caught in headlights. Stefan merely nodded in acknowledgment before returning his attention to his meal. Thierry shook his head in response.

But then, Thierry, in his alluring voice, finaly dropped a bombshell.

"So, how long have you two been dating?" he asked, his gaze shifting between me and Stefan with genuine curiosity.

There was a beat of silence, the clinking of silverware suddenly amplified in the quiet. My fork, halfway to my mouth, froze. My eyes darted to Stefan, who had gone very still, his brow furrowed as if he couldn’t quite process the question. Dad choked on his wine, a sputtering sound that would have been comical under different circumstances. Even Mom, who prided herself on her social grace, seemed to have momentarily lost her composure, her sculpted eyebrow arching in surprise.

Thierry, bless his heart, didn’t seem to pick up on the bewildered silence that had descended upon our table. "Stefan and you," he repeated, his gaze now fixed on me, those perfectly lined eyes wide with innocent curiosity. "How long has it been? You seem really close."

My jaw almost hit the table. Had he…had he seriously just asked that again?

My mind raced, trying to process the question. Was Thierry serious? Did he actually think Stefan and I were a couple? It was absurd, ludicrous even. Stefan was my younger brother, the one I had helped Mom change diapers for, the one I had shared countless childhood memories with. The thought of us being romantically involved was… well, it was just plain wrong.

But as I looked around the table, I realized Thierry's question, however outlandish, wasn't entirely unfounded. We were a family of blondes. Dad, Mom, and I shared the same golden locks, a trademark of the Jacques lineage. Stefan, however, was the odd one out. His natural hair color was a deep, raven black, a stark contrast to the rest of us. He had experimented with subtly dyeing his short bangs blond, a desperate attempt to blend in with the family aesthetic, but the rest of his hair remained a testament to his unique heritage.

And then there was the matter of our appearances. While I had inherited Mom's delicate features and a certain androgynous look, Stefan possessed a rugged handsomeness that bore no resemblance to either of our parents. We looked nothing alike, and it was easy to see how someone might mistake us for an unrelated couple rather than siblings.

I saw the look on Stefan’s face. It wasn’t amusement or confusion anymore. It was…offense. And annoyance. A lot of annoyance. Before Stefan could unleash his inner wrath, I decided to intervene.

"Stefan is adopted," I said, my voice calm and steady.

The table fell silent once more. Mom and Dad exchanged a knowing glance, a hint of sadness flickering in their eyes. Thierry’s perfectly shaped eyebrows shot up in surprise, and Nicola’s expression softened.

"Oh," Thierry breathed, his voice barely a whisper. "I’m so sorry. I didn’t know."

I shook my head, offering a reassuring smile. "It’s okay. It’s a common misconception."

As the evening drew to a close, it was time to say our goodbyes and head back to Paris. Dad took the wheel, while Stefan slid into the passenger seat, ready to switch places once we reached the outskirts of the city. The drive back was mostly quiet, the gentle hum of the car engine providing a soothing rhythm to the night.

Lost in my thoughts, I couldn’t help but reflect on the day’s events. It had been a whirlwind of emotions, from the adrenaline rush of trying to save Nicola to the delightful dinner filled with laughter and newfound companionship. As we approached the city, the lights of the Eiffel Tower twinkled in the distance, a beacon of home and familiarity.

I felt a sense of contentment wash over me, grateful for the connections that had blossomed from an unforeseen mishap. It was a night of laughter, warmth, and a reminder that sometimes, the most memorable moments come from the most unexpected situations.