
Chapter 14: The Goblin Hunting Party

A Frostheart's Sun

Sonne's voice, filled with admiration and respect, rang out. "I would love to see you in action, your highness. But as a citizen, I can only watch," he replied, giving a thumbs-up and a subtle nod acknowledging his role as an onlooker.

A soft blush warmed Caspian's cheeks under Sonne's appreciative gaze. He enjoys seeing me in action, how charming. "Nonsense, Sonne," Caspian declared, waving a hand dismissively, "Every sword arm counts, especially against those pesky goblins. Consider it an invitation to serve the crown." Besides, I'd much rather have you by my side than observing from afar.

Sonne's eyebrows rose in surprise. Caspian fought the urge to smooth down the unruly strands of hair that always seemed to defy gravity. Perhaps a touch too forceful? He must think me desperate for company. "Think of it as… an opportunity to experience the thrill of the hunt," Caspian amended, trying to regain some semblance of composure. Yes, the thrill of the hunt, that sounds appropriately princely.

"The thrill of the hunt, huh?" Sonne echoed, a playful smirk dancing on his lips.

Caspian's heart skipped a beat. Why does he have to be so infuriatingly attractive? "Indeed," he managed, hoping his voice didn't betray his sudden nervousness. "Unless, of course, you're afraid of a few goblins?" There, a challenge. Surely, he wouldn't back down now.

Sonne threw back his head and laughed, a sound as bright and warm as the Eternal Summer sun. It was a sound that chased away the chill that always seemed to cling to Caspian, a sound that made him want to laugh along, even if he couldn't understand the joke.

"I don't know what you think of me, Your Highness," Sonne began, feigning humility with an exaggerated sigh. "But I'm just an unarmed businessman," he insisted, lifting his arms in a surrendering gesture to emphasize his point. "And to be honest, I don't fancy killing. But… I will watch for you," he added, a subtle shift in his tone implying a willingness to support the prince, albeit from a distance.

Caspian couldn't help but chuckle, a genuine smile gracing his lips. Sonne's surrender, a charming act of playful defiance, warmed him more than he cared to admit. An unarmed businessman with a heart too gentle for goblin hunting? Intriguing. "Rest assured, Sonne, I harbor no illusions about your bloodthirst," Caspian replied, amusement lacing his voice, "Though I confess, a warrior's spirit lurks beneath that gentle facade. I've seen it."

He recalled their first encounter, Sonne's calm demeanor as he faced the spilled wine, and the steady hand that had accepted his handkerchief. There was a hidden steel beneath the strawberry merchant's easygoing demeanor, Caspian was sure of it. "But fear not," Caspian continued, his tone softening, "Goblin hunting is a messy business best left to us brutes with swords."

Besides, I wouldn't want to expose you to unnecessary danger. The thought flickered across his mind before he could banish it. Where did that come from? He chided himself silently. He barely knew this man, and yet, the thought of Sonne coming to harm sparked an unfamiliar protectiveness within him. It was unsettling, to say the least.

"Your presence alone will be a welcome change from the usual courtly tedium," Caspian added, hoping to dispel the sudden intensity of his thoughts.

Sonne nodded casually, a lighthearted smile playing on his lips. "Yes, and I'll be your personal cheerleader," he declared, giving yet another thumbs-up.

A wave of warmth, stronger than any enchantment, spread through Caspian at Sonne's words. "My personal cheerleader?" He fought the urge to cover his traitorous blush with the back of his hand. Gods, he makes it sound so… endearing. He cleared his throat, trying to regain his usual composure. "I… appreciate the enthusiasm, Sonne."

Enthusiasm. Right. Caspian mentally chastised himself for the way his pulse quickened at the thought of Sonne cheering him on, even if it was just playful banter. It was utterly ridiculous. He was a Prince of Snowfall, a warrior, a diplomat, not some lovestruck schoolboy. Still, the image brought a rare smile to his lips, one devoid of his usual icy reserve.

Perhaps this goblin hunt wouldn't be so tedious after all.


The week leading up to the goblin hunt passed in a flurry of diplomatic meetings, sword practice, and stolen moments spent wondering what Sonne would wear to a goblin hunt. Caspian chastised himself for the frivolous thought. A warrior prince shouldn't be concerned with such trivialities. Yet, he couldn't help but picture Sonne amidst the chaos, his usual black attire replaced with something more rugged, more… fitting for the wilds of the Glacierwood Forest.

His brother, ever perceptive, caught him sketching a particularly lifelike rendition of a startled goblin—with a figure bearing Sonne's signature messy hair peeking out from behind a tree—during a particularly tedious council meeting.

"Lost in thought, brother?" Leopold inquired, his voice laced with amusement.

Caspian nearly swallowed his quill. "Just strategizing, brother," he replied, hastily shoving the sketch beneath a stack of trade agreements.

Leopold, however, was not easily deterred. Leaning closer, his gaze twinkling with mischief, he murmured, "That peeking figure bears a striking resemblance to a certain strawberry merchant."

Caspian felt heat creep up his neck. "A coincidence," he muttered, willing the blood to recede from his cheeks.

Leopold chuckled, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "Just remember, brother," he said, his voice taking on a rare note of seriousness, "The heart can be a fickle battlefield. Tread carefully."

With that cryptic warning, Leopold returned his attention to the council meeting, leaving Caspian to grapple with his brother's words and the telltale fluttering in his chest whenever Sonne's name crossed his mind.


The day of the hunt dawned crisp and clear, the snow-laden branches of the Glacierwood Forest sparkling under a cerulean sky. Caspian, clad in his finest hunting leathers, a silver-etched sword strapped to his hip, surveyed the assembled hunting party with a critical eye.

Nobles, vying for the Crown's favor, preened and boasted, their polished armor gleaming in the sunlight. Elura, his ever-enthusiastic sister, bounced at his side, her silver braid swinging like a pendulum as she peppered him with questions about goblin hunting strategies. Caspian, however, found his gaze drawn to the edge of the clearing, where a figure stood apart from the ostentatious display of wealth and weaponry.


Sonne's attire, a stark contrast to the flamboyant attire favored by the court, somehow managed to draw Caspian's gaze like a lodestone. The simple open puffer jacket over a white shirt, the unassuming gray pants, and those dark snow boots that hinted at practicality rather than extravagance, all whispered of a man comfortable in his own skin, a man who didn't need silks and jewels to command attention. And command attention he did. At least, from a certain silver-haired prince.

"He certainly stands out, doesn't he?" Elura's voice, laced with amusement, broke through Caspian's thoughts. He hadn't even realized he'd been staring.

"Who?" Caspian feigned ignorance, hoping his sister hadn't noticed the telltale warmth creeping up his neck.

Elura chuckled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "The strawberry merchant, brother dear. Though I confess, I hadn't pegged him for the outdoorsy type."

Caspian cleared his throat, willing his heart to cease its ridiculous thumping. "He merely expressed an interest in observing the hunt," he replied, forcing a nonchalance he didn't quite feel. Observing me, more like. The thought rose unbidden, sparking a surge of anticipation within him.

"Observing, hmm?" Elura's tone dripped with insinuation.

Before Caspian could formulate a suitable retort, a fanfare of trumpets blared through the clearing, signaling the start of the hunt. Relief coursed through him. He could always count on his family's penchant for pomp and ceremony to bail him out of awkward social situations. "Duty calls, dear sister," Caspian declared with a theatrical bow. "The goblins awaits."

As he led the hunting party into the forest, the crisp air alive with the anticipation of the chase, Caspian couldn't help but steal one last glance at the edge of the clearing. Sonne, a lone figure amidst the gathering of nobles, met his gaze with a smile. It was a small gesture, easily missed in the commotion, but for Caspian, it was enough. The hunt had begun, and his heart, much to his surprise, was already lost.