
Chapter 15: Terrors of Glacierwood

A Frostheart's Sun

The air crackled with anticipation as the hunting party, led by Prince Caspian, vanished into the shadowy depths of the Glacierwood Forest. Elura, bundled in a luxurious fur cloak, watched from the safety of a raised platform. Her breath misting in the frosty air, her excitement was palpable. Beside her, Sonne stood in quiet observation, his arms crossed, his gaze fixed on the magical mirror that shimmered into existence before them.

The mirror, a marvel of Snowfall sorcery, pulsed with a soft, ethereal light, its surface rippling like a pool of liquid moonlight. As the hunting party progressed deeper into the forest, the mirror flickered to life, revealing their progress in vivid detail. Two falcons, their eyes glowing with an otherworldly luminescence, soared high above the trees, their magically enhanced vision transmitting images to the enchanted mirror below.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Elura remarked, her voice tinged with pride. "My brother Leopold, the heir, insisted on incorporating this new invention into the hunt. For safety, of course," she added with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "And to ensure no goblin escapes the valiant Prince Caspian's blade."

Sonne, his gaze unwavering from the mirror, merely nodded, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. He wasn't entirely sure about the "safety" aspect, but he had to admit it was entertaining. Besides, it afforded him an excellent view of a certain silver-haired prince navigating the treacherous forest terrain with impressive grace and agility.

The magical mirror, like a window into a world both familiar and strange, revealed the heart of the Glacierwood Forest. Ancient evergreens, their boughs heavy with snow, clawed at the sky, their gnarled roots twisting across the forest floor like slumbering serpents. The snowdrifts below were bathed in a soft, ethereal light, as sunlight filtered through the dense foliage. It was a scene of breathtaking beauty, yet an undercurrent of danger thrummed beneath the surface, a primal symphony of snapping twigs and the distant screech of unseen creatures.

The hunting party, a splash of color against the monochromatic landscape, moved with practiced ease through the treacherous terrain. Prince Leopold, the heir apparent, exuded an aura of effortless command, his movements precise, his silver hair gleaming like spun moonlight. Caspian, however, moved with a different kind of grace, his steps light and fluid, his sapphire gaze constantly scanning their surroundings, ever watchful for any sign of their quarry.

"They're heading deeper into goblin territory," Elura murmured, a hint of concern lacing her voice. "That part of the forest is riddled with caves and crevasses. Perfect for an ambush."

Sonne, his gaze fixed on Caspian's image in the mirror, nodded in agreement. "Your brother seems to have it well in hand, though," he remarked, his tone casual, but his eyes sharp with appraisal.

Elura followed his gaze, a knowing smile curving her lips. "Oh, Caspian can handle himself in a fight," she assured him, her voice filled with sisterly pride. "But goblins are cunning creatures. They like to play with their food before they go for the kill."

Sonne's quiet hum, a low, melodious sound, washed over Elura like a warm breeze, momentarily chasing away the chill of the forest. It was a curiously calming sound, at odds with the tension that crackled in the air around the magical mirror. She glanced at him, curious. He seemed so utterly at ease, so unconcerned by the dangers lurking within the forest. It was an intriguing contrast to the usual courtiers, who tended to treat goblin hunts as though they were elaborate social gatherings rather than potentially deadly excursions.

"You don't seem worried," Elura remarked, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Most people find goblin hunts rather nerve-wracking."

Sonne's gaze swept over the assembled spectators, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Nerve-wracking" seemed a far cry from the festive atmosphere that permeated the viewing platform. Nobles, draped in furs and silks, nibbled on canapés and sipped spiced wine, their chatter punctuated by gasps of excitement whenever the magical mirror showcased a particularly dramatic moment in the hunt. Some even went so far as to lift their bejeweled goblets in a raucous toast whenever Prince Caspian landed a particularly skillful blow against a hapless goblin.

"They seem more concerned with the refreshments than the safety of their future king," Sonne remarked dryly, his gaze lingering on a particularly portly lord who seemed in imminent danger of choking on a miniature quiche.

Elura chuckled softly, her gaze flickering back to the magical mirror. "The heir apparent is quite capable of handling himself, Master Sonne," she assured him, her tone laced with a hint of sisterly pride. "Besides," she added, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "it's far more entertaining to watch Caspian make a spectacle of himself."

Sonne raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh?" he murmured, his gaze drawn back to the unfolding drama in the magical mirror.

The hunt progressed with surprising ease, at least for the hunters. The magical mirror showcased Prince Leopold's strategic brilliance as he effortlessly anticipated the goblins' movements, leading his contingent of nobles to victory after swift victory. Low-level goblins, their green skin practically glowing in the shadows, were dispatched with almost comical efficiency, their cries of surprise quickly turning into whimpers of defeat. The nobles, their initial bravado replaced with a somewhat overenthusiastic bloodlust, reveled in their easy triumph, their cries of victory echoing through the silent forest.

Caspian, however, seemed less than impressed. He moved through the undergrowth with a grace that belied his frustration, his sapphire gaze sharp and alert, his every sense attuned to the forest around him. He dispatched the occasional goblin with practiced ease, but the thrill of the hunt seemed to elude him. His gaze darted from shadow to shadow, as if searching for something more than just a band of easily outsmarted creatures.

Elura, sensing her brother's restlessness, leaned closer to Sonne, her voice barely a whisper. "My brother thrives on a challenge," she confided, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "These low-level goblins are hardly worthy of his attention."

The hunting of the goblins continued, with the pests being slain left and right. It was a spectacle to behold, as the nobles' cries of victory echoed through the silent forest, an indication of their newfound confidence.

However, amidst the chaos and carnage, Caspian stood out. Despite not being entirely contented with the lackluster challenge, he was at his element. Moving with a grace that seemed almost effortless, he danced through the undergrowth, his sword flashing. It was as if he were performing a deadly ballet, each strike precise and deadly.

The spectators watched in awe as Caspian effortlessly dispatched one goblin after another. His skill was undeniable, and his grace was mesmerizing. Even Prince Leopold couldn't help but admire Caspian's prowess.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them rumbled like a thunderous heartbeat, a low, ominous growl that seemed to echo through every fiber of their being. The air crackled with an electric tension, and Elura's heart pounded against her ribs like a trapped bird.

The sound that followed was a primal roar, a deafening cacophony that ripped through the tranquil winter silence of the Glacierwood Forest like a tempest. It was not the guttural growl of a goblin. This was something far larger, far more dangerous. A creature of great power, awakened from its slumber by the disturbance in the forest.

Elura's blood ran cold as she realized the full extent of the danger they faced. Dread gripped her heart as she imagined the monstrous creature that had just announced its presence. Its roar was a chilling reminder of the true terror that lurked in the shadows of the ancient woods.

On the magical mirror, the falcons screeched, their images flickering in panic as the very air crackled with raw power. The nobles, their celebratory mood vanishing in an instant, scrambled for safety, their cries of alarm echoing through the trees.

"A snow troll," Elura breathed, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and morbid fascination. "They haven't been seen in these parts for decades."

Sonne, his earlier amusement replaced with a focused intensity, leaned closer to the mirror, his gaze tracing the path of the monstrous creature as it crashed through the forest, leaving a trail of splintered trees and terrified wildlife in its wake. It was heading straight for the heart of the hunting party.

"Your brothers are in danger," he stated, his voice calm despite the escalating chaos.

Elura, her composure momentarily shaken, straightened her shoulders, her fingers instinctively reaching for the silver dagger she wore strapped to her thigh. "My brothers are Frosthearts," she declared, her voice laced with steely determination. "They do not back down from a challenge."

Her gaze, however, betrayed her bravado. Worry etched lines around her sapphire eyes, mirroring the anxiety that churned in her stomach. As much as she believed in her brothers' strength and skill, a snow troll was a formidable foe, even for the most seasoned warrior.

The anticipation in the room was palpable as the spectators watched through the mirror, their hearts pounding in their chests. The snow troll, a monstrous figure of ice and fury, was on a collision course with the hunters. The cheers and laughter earlier had been replaced by a collective hush, a sense of dread hanging heavy in the air.

Elura's eyes were fixed on the mirror, her gaze following the creature's relentless advance. She could see her brothers, their faces etched with a grim determination, forming a defensive line. The air crackled with tension as the troll drew closer.

The spectators held their breath, their eyes wide with fear and anticipation. Would the hunters be able to hold their ground against the monstrous creature? Or would they be overwhelmed by its sheer size and power?