
Chapter 2: The Lunchtime Encounter

The Actor and the PA

As Mr. Kim resumed his lecture, I found it increasingly difficult to concentrate. My gaze kept drifting towards Shawn Black, the new student who had captured the attention of the entire class. It wasn't just his striking looks that held my fascination; there was an air of mystery about him that intrigued me.

I noticed the lingering glances from curious students, especially the girls, who were practically devouring him with their eyes. Some would try to catch his attention, giggling and whispering among themselves, but Shawn remained unfazed. He would meet their gazes, offering a polite nod of acknowledgment, but his eyes held no hint of interest. It was as if he was aware of the effect he had on them but chose not to engage.

A pang of annoyance shot through me. Why was I even bothered by the attention he was receiving? It wasn't like I cared… or did I? I quickly dismissed the thought, reminding myself that I barely knew the guy.

As the english class ended, a confident girl in the front row, known for her bold personality and impeccable fashion sense, made her move. I watched with a mixture of amusement and disdain as she expertly fixed her clothing, checked her reflection in a portable mirror with LED lights, and retouched her makeup with lightning speed. She then shoved the mirror back into her bag and sauntered towards Shawn, her every move calculated to impress.

The class erupted in a chorus of whistles and cheers, eager to witness the unfolding scene.

Shawn, bless his innocent heart, merely stared at the approaching girl with a look of mild curiosity.

"Hi, Shawn," the girl chirped, her voice dripping with honey. "I'm Choi Soo-jin. It's so nice to finally meet you."

She extended a perfectly manicured hand towards him, her nails painted a vibrant shade of red. Shawn shook it politely, a hint of surprise in his gray eyes.

"Nice to meet you too, Soo-jin," he replied, his voice calm and composed.

Soo-jin didn't miss a beat. "You know," she continued, leaning in closer and batting her eyelashes, "I just happen to be single at the moment. And very much available."

The class erupted in laughter and applause, appreciating Soo-jin's boldness. I, on the other hand, couldn't help but snort. The girl was laying it on thick, and it was almost comical to watch.

Shawn's reaction was unexpected, to say the least. He let out a soft snort, a sound that, in my biased opinion, was incredibly adorable. My heart skipped a beat as I watched him, my cheeks flushing slightly.

"I'm also very much single…" Shawn began, his voice deep and resonant, making my heart pound. "But I'm not available, for you," he added, a playful smirk spreading across his lips, his gray eyes twinkling mischievously.

The blunt rejection echoed through the classroom, followed by a chorus of howls and gasps. Even I couldn't help but let out an "oof" under my breath. I hadn't expected such a direct and brutal response from the seemingly gentle giant.

Soo-jin, though momentarily stunned, was not one to back down easily. "And why not?" she demanded, her hands planted firmly on her hips, her voice laced with a hint of annoyance.

Shawn gave her a slow, deliberate once-over, his eyes scanning her from head to toe as if assessing her worthiness. "Tsk. Not really interested," he declared, shaking his head with a hint of disapproval.

The howls of laughter from the class intensified, fueled by Soo-jin's public humiliation. I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her, even though I found her antics rather amusing.

But Soo-jin, ever the drama queen, wasn't about to admit defeat. She leaned in closer to Shawn, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I kind of like bad boys…" she declared, her eyes sparkling with a newfound determination, as she emphasized each word.

"This is merely a setback," Soo-jin declared dramatically, her voice echoing through the now silent classroom. She raised a clenched fist in the air, her eyes blazing with determination. "I, Choi Soo-jin, never give up on a challenge! I will conquer your heart, Shawn Black, even if it's the last thing I do!"

She punctuated her declaration with a dramatic flourish, her hand sweeping through the air. The class, thoroughly entertained by her theatrical performance, erupted in another round of applause and whistles.

Shawn, on the other hand, remained unfazed. He merely shrugged, his expression conveying a distinct lack of interest in Soo-jin's grand pronouncements. "Sure, whatever," he mumbled, turning his attention back to his notebook.

Soo-jin, deflated but not defeated, huffed and retreated to her seat, muttering under her breath about the challenges of taming a "bad boy."

I couldn't help but shake my head, a smile playing on my lips. The whole scene was so ridiculous, yet somehow, it made Shawn even more endearing. His nonchalant attitude towards Soo-jin's advances was both amusing and intriguing. I found myself wondering what it would take to truly capture his attention.

The atmosphere in the classroom had shifted. Shawn Black, the mysterious and aloof transfer student, had become the center of attention, and the girls, despite his initial rejection of Soo-jin, were more determined than ever to win his affections.

I stole another glance at him, catching his eye for a brief moment. He offered a small, almost shy smile, and my heart skipped a beat.

The battle for Shawn Black's heart had begun, and I, Wan Ryung, found myself inexplicably drawn into the fray.


Lunch break. I loved the vibrant energy of the cafeteria, the chatter of students, and the delicious aroma of Korean food wafting through the air. Today, however, my usual excitement was replaced by a nervous flutter in my stomach.

As I savored my bibimbap, my eyes scanned the crowded cafeteria, searching for a familiar face. There, amidst the sea of students, was Shawn, his tray in hand, looking lost and slightly overwhelmed by the lunchtime rush. He was clearly struggling to find an empty seat, and the sight of him alone in the chaos made my heart ache.

Suddenly, an idea struck me. The seat next to mine was empty, and the one in front of me was occupied by my friend, Kim Min-jun. My heart leaped into a marathon as I debated whether or not to make a move. Should I offer him the seat? What if he said no? What if he thought I was weird?

But then, I caught Shawn's eye, and the hesitant look on his face made up my mind. I couldn't just sit there and watch him struggle. I tapped Min-jun in front of me and whispered, "Hey, can you sit beside me?"

Min-jun raised an eyebrow, a knowing look in his eyes, but he complied without a word. He was a good friend like that, always understanding my unspoken cues.

Now, with the seat in front of me vacant, I waited with bated breath, hoping Shawn would notice. My heart pounded like a drum as someone approached the empty seat. I looked up, a surge of disappointment washing over me when I realized it wasn't Shawn.

"Excuse me," I said, trying to sound polite but firm. "This seat is taken."

The boy, startled by my sudden assertiveness, mumbled an apology and quickly moved on. I scanned the cafeteria again, my eyes locking with Shawn's. He was looking at me, a questioning expression on his face. I took a deep breath and gestured towards the empty seat, a shy smile spreading across my lips.

Shawn's face lit up, and he nodded gratefully before making his way towards me. My heart soared as he sat down, his tray clattering gently against the table.

"Thanks," he said, his voice laced with sincerity. "I was having a hard time finding a place to sit."

"No problem, Shawn." I replied, trying to maintain a casual tone despite the butterflies in my stomach.

Min-jun nudged me playfully, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I shot him a warning look, silently pleading with him not to embarrass me further.

As Shawn began to set his lunch, I couldn't help but steal glances at him. He was even more handsome up close, his features soft yet defined, his gray eyes sparkling with intelligence and warmth. I found myself mesmerized by his every move, my heart fluttering with a mix of nervousness and excitement.

Lunch break had suddenly become the highlight of my day.