
Chapter 3: Bridging the Language Barrier

The Actor and the PA

The cafeteria buzzed with the typical lunchtime frenzy, a symphony of chattering voices, clattering utensils, and the tantalizing aroma of various cuisines. But amidst the chaos, my focus narrowed down to the boy sitting across from me, Shawn Black. He seemed oblivious to the commotion, casually munching on his lunch while his eyes wandered around the room, occasionally meeting mine with a quick, friendly smile.

My mind, however, was far from tranquil. My stomach was doing somersaults, and my heart was doing a frantic tap dance against my ribs. I barely touched my bibimbap, my appetite replaced by a nervous energy that coursed through my veins. Min-jun, ever the perceptive friend, nudged me again, his knowing smirk widening with each passing second.

Suddenly, Shawn's gaze settled on me, a thoughtful expression replacing his usual playful smile. He opened his mouth, seemingly hesitant, before speaking in his endearingly broken Korean, "Thanks… nice… you."

My heart stuttered, then exploded into a full-blown sprint. Did he just… compliment me? My cheeks flushed crimson as I tried to decipher his words. Was he thanking me for offering him the seat? Or was he genuinely saying that he found me… nice?

The thought sent a jolt of electricity through me, a warmth spreading through my chest that had nothing to do with the spicy bibimbap. Shawn's attempt to converse in Korean, despite its imperfections, was utterly adorable, and it had an unexpected effect on me.

Without thinking, I responded in German, "Gern geschehen," a simple "you're welcome."

The use of his native language seemed to catch Shawn off guard. His eyes widened, a flicker of amusement dancing in their depths. "Sie sprechen Deutsch?" he asked, his voice laced with surprise. "You speak German?"

A chuckle escaped my lips, the tension easing slightly. "Ja, ich spreche Deutsch," I replied, a hint of pride in my voice. "My mother is German."

I proceeded to explain my mixed heritage, sharing snippets of my upbringing and the unique blend of cultures that had shaped me. Shawn listened intently, his gray eyes sparkling with genuine interest.

We spent the rest of lunch break conversing in German, effortlessly switching between languages as we delved deeper into our backgrounds and interests. I discovered that Shawn had always been fascinated by ancient history and classical music, a passion that mirrored my own love for the arts. He shared stories of his childhood in Germany, his travels with his family, and his initial struggles with adapting to a new language and culture. Additionally, he revealed that he spent three months learning Korean on Duolingo.

Min-jun, meanwhile, sat beside us, his face a mask of confusion and mock frustration. He would occasionally interject with a "What are you guys talking about?" or a "Can you please translate?" but for the most part, he was content to observe our interaction with a bemused smile.


The shrill sound of the bell echoed through the cafeteria, signaling the end of our lunch break. A wave of disappointment washed over me as I realized our conversation had come to an abrupt halt.

"It was nice talking to you…" Shawn said, his voice tinged with a hint of regret. He paused, a sheepish expression spreading across his face. "What's your name?" he asked.

I couldn't help but chuckle. We had spent the entire lunch break chatting and laughing, yet he hadn't even bothered to ask for my name until now.

"Wan Ryung," I replied, a warm smile gracing my lips. "It's nice to meet you too, Shawn Black."

Shawn's eyes lit up as he repeated my name, his pronunciation surprisingly accurate for someone who had just started learning Korean. "Wan Ryung," he echoed, savoring the syllables. "It's a beautiful name."

My cheeks flushed again, and I couldn't suppress the giddy feeling that bubbled up inside me. Shawn had just complimented my name. It was a small gesture, but it held a significance that resonated deep within me.

Shawn then turned his attention to Min-jun, who had been patiently observing our interaction with a knowing smirk. "And you are…?" Shawn asked, tilting his head inquisitively.

Min-jun, never one to miss an opportunity to make a dramatic entrance declared, "I am Kim Min-jun, Wan Ryung's loyal confidant and partner in crime!"

Shawn chuckled, his gray eyes twinkling with amusement. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Min-jun," he said, extending his hand.

Min-jun shook it enthusiastically, his grin widening. "The pleasure is all mine, Shawn," he replied, his voice laced with mock formality.

As we gathered our belongings and prepared to head back to class, a sense of camaraderie filled the air. We had started the day as strangers, but now, we were newfound friends, bound by a shared lunch break and the promise of future interactions.


The days that followed Shawn's arrival were a blur of shared laughter, whispered conversations, and stolen glances. My initial apprehension towards him had melted away like snow in the spring sun, replaced by a warmth that spread through me whenever he was near. I found myself looking forward to our morning greetings, his cheerful "Guten Morgen" a stark contrast to the usual monotone greetings of my classmates. And his "Auf Wiedersehen" at the end of the day always left me with a lingering smile.

Our shared German heritage became a bridge that connected us in a way I hadn't anticipated. I relished the opportunity to speak my mother tongue with someone who understood its nuances, its humor, its soul. Shawn, in turn, eagerly absorbed my explanations of Korean grammar and vocabulary, his determination to master the language both impressive and endearing. Apparently, my teaching skills were so good that he was starting to question his year-long Duolingo subscription. I may need to start charging tuition fees!

The initial perception I had of Shawn Black, the "bad boy" who had nonchalantly shut down Choi Soo-jin's advances, was slowly but surely crumbling. The more time I spent with him, the more I realized that the "bad boy" image was nothing more than a facade, a shield perhaps, to protect himself from unwanted attention.

One afternoon, as we were studying together in the library, I couldn't help but steal glances at him, my mind replaying the scene from his first day at SGA. The way he had so effortlessly deflected Soo-jin's advances, the blunt honesty in his rejection, it had all painted a picture of a "bad boy" who cared little for others' feelings.

But the Shawn I was getting to know was far from that image. He was attentive, thoughtful, and genuinely kind. He would often catch me staring at him, a curious glint in his gray eyes, as if trying to decipher my thoughts.

"What is it?" he asked, his voice soft and laced with concern, snapping me out of my reverie. I hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to voice my thoughts. But something about Shawn's open and honest demeanor encouraged me to be truthful.

"Nothing," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper, "just… wondering about the 'bad boy' image."

Shawn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and I realized my words needed further clarification.

"You know," I elaborated, "the first day of school, with Soo-jin… you were quite… brutal."

A slow smile spread across Shawn's face as he understood my meaning. "No, no," he chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm a… Good Boy 😇," he declared, his voice playful yet sincere, and even purposely imitating an angelic look with his smile.

The unexpected response caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but snort with amusement. The image of Shawn Black, the "bad boy" heartthrob, referring to himself as a "Good Boy" with that innocent angelic look was simply too much for me to handle.

"Well, if you're talking about the first day of school…" Shawn continued, shrugging nonchalantly, "I was just not interested, you know. Figured I should be honest about it."

His explanation was simple, straightforward, and devoid of any arrogance or malice. It was a refreshing change from the usual games of flirtation and manipulation that often played out in the hallways of SGA.

Shawn's honesty, his willingness to be vulnerable and show me this side of himself, a side that I suspected he didn't reveal to many, filled me with a sense of warmth and privilege. It was as if he trusted me enough to let his guard down, to be his true self without fear of judgment.

And it made me incredibly happy.